
Google is Not Choosing Meta Description And Meta Tittle In Search Result?

If you are aware of the importance SEO for websites, then you will certainly know the importance of page title within the Google Search results. A good and catching titles may result more viewers to your website and whereas a poorly crafted title will definitely cause individuals to miss your websites and will make them to view one of your competitors. So however will Google verify specifically what they will use for title of your page in search results. Everyone of us will have a doubt that this title is influenced by headings used under h1 and h2 tags. Why is Google choosing another title tag instead of your own title?

What is Title tag, Meta Description and Search Results:

Title tag and Meta tag are the most important tags we see in the head section of HTML codes of your page. Title tags and Meta description should be unique throughout your site for better results. A title is something that reveals about what is there on your page. Meta description is a summary or short description about the page. One way to implement title tag and meta description is that by filling the fields in the CMS. This title and meta tag will be added to the search engine. The filling up of title tag and meta description in the CMS provides the search engine on what to display on the search resulting page.

Why Google sometimes ignores your Title tags and Meta description:

We have already explained that title tags and meta descriptions are something that should display while performing google search. In many cases search engines will not display the exact title and meta description that we specify. Google always works according a particular sense. The primary goal of Google is to provide the most relevant and effective search results for the searchers for any given search query. So if the title and meta description that we have provided does not make any sense in creating to your website, then google will automatically recreates the title and meta description for you and this will be displayed in the search results. Google knows exactly what a searcher is looking for. Those search words will be included in the title. Google recreates the title you have created if only if your title is not relevant to the search query. Google supports boosting your page or website to higher traffic through your title and meta descriptions.

Situations where Google does not display your Title tags and Meta description:

  • The title or meta description you provided is not relevant to search query.
  • Sometimes you might have forgotten to specify a title or meta description. At that time, the google will by default takes title and meta description by its own.
  • Multiple occurrence of same title and meta description in html code.
  • Google will not display your title and meta description if the topic you provided is not relevant to the content that is in the page.
  • If the topic and meta description you provided is either too short or too long, then also Google will neglect your title and meta description.

How can you make Google to choose only your title and meta description for your page:

  • Google has some length limit for title and meta description. So make sure to use the title and meta description that is within the limit. It should be limited up to 320 characters   Update: As of December 2017, Google now shows up to 320 characters in search results. 
  • Always provide a relevant title and meta description that makes clear what is there on your page.  <meta name=”description” content=”insert meta description here” />.
  • Always remember to provide only the title and meta description tags once for a html code rather than repeating it multiple times.Give us a call today and be connected with our  Web Design Trivandrum.

How SEO VPS Hosting is Beneficial

Decision making in selecting which type of SEO hosting company is suitable for you is important. It is much more important is selecting which type of servers are available for your service that you are choosing. One of the current styles of hosting solutions is that of SEO VPS hosting. VPS hosting is terribly useful and has seen abundant improvement nowadays. VPS hosting features dedicated server to their customers. In other words, such an SEO VPS hosting is a sort ofthe exact same services on a dedicated server. If you choose VPS hosting, it is sure that the whole server is shared by few individuals. In dedicated VPS hosting, there will not be more users as compared to shared hosting. By selecting VPS SEO hosting, it is ensured that only few users will be able to share the same bandwidth as you. Thus it is very beneficial since you are selected the best SEO hosting technology as it shares only with limited number of users. Also another important feature is that you will be provided with a root password. You will understand how the other sites are separated among each other.Such types of SEO hosting VPS are the very best bet for any persons that wish to utilize an isolated server as it can help to increase the overall amount of money that a particular website can get. In order to help webmasters in achieving the best results on their websites’ PR and SERP, SEO hosting servers is an important requirement.

Why Website Design & Development is Important

A website has a great role in the success of the company. A unique designed website gives the user a fresh appearance and this decides the success of your company service. Nowadays there are many companies who are there to compete with you to get the first place in their excellence and success. In order to beat your competitors, you should certainly have a different unique attractive websites which should remain in user’s mind when needed. If they need any service that your company can provide, the success of your company can be measured, from the users’ response. Try to keep a space in their mind about your company. A website is a great way to strengthen the personal references of other customers. Some of the benefits with a website is 24 x 7 customer support, and accessibility anywhere across the world. Any common people can get information about your company, what you are, what all services your company provides, contact information etc. That means a website reveals the overall view about your company. There are a huge number of web design and web developing companies in Kerala. All these companies are doing the same demanded tasks. Selecting the best to create a website is the prime challenge for a company or client. A perfect web development company should be successful in assisting clients to boost their product information, maintain communication with prospective clients, produce leads for the business, and enhance the status of company via the website, leading to selling of products or services. The number of websites on the web is growing at a very quick pace. Web development is an area of experiments and innovations. Trends in web designing aspects and the technology in use are always changing. The advancement in the field of web design and development, indirectly affects the reach and selling of products or services of other companies. The fact is that the one who possess the most effective website will own the paramount value in market. Web design and web development services in Trivandrum are sprouting like mushrooms. But many fail to maintain the quality in work and assure timely updates. The field has a huge competition and the Web Development Companies in Trivandrum are always in hunt for customers. When you feel it is vital and absolute requirement for your business to have a website, there are a few important things you should care about web design and development. Firstly, you should choose an authentic and reliable Web Development Company in Trivandrum. Before you jump into a contract, check whether the selected web development company in Trivandrum understands your business and requirement properly. Never go for cheap service options, compromising in quality. You should research about the rate it will take to have a standard web design and development. The price can be costly or cheap, you can decide. But, make sure the money you are paying is valued in building your website. An attractive and effective website is very important for a company to survive in this competitive world. It will reduce the gap between the world and your business. The reach and product knowledge makes Bytelabz different from other companies. With our unique and exclusive websites crafted using cutting edge technology, we remain as the best web designing company in Kerala, which can assure you a quality website, making your business a successful one.

Why SSL Certificates is So Important to Every Website

We have seen many websites while searching through internet having both http and https. Https shows that the website is secure. Looking at the navigation bar at the top, we can see a padlock. This padlock will be seen green if it is a secure website. Otherwise it is an insecure website in which the data we transit through that website will be insecure and there may be a chance for the hackers to hack your personal details from it.   In order to avoid hacking your details especially personal details like bank account details,etc., we need to make the website secure. Security of a website from third party attack is only possible by purchasing SSL certificate. SSL stands for Security Sockets Layer. SSL is a standard form of making your website secure and safeguards sensitive details from getting stolen by a third party. SSL creates a security between two points in the internet. After adding SSL to your website, it establishes an encryption link between two systems. These systems can be either between client to server or server to server. The request transmitted over internet by the client is first encrypted using encryption algorithm and it transferred to the web server. The server decrypts the request and sends back the result after encrypting to the web browser. The decryption is made possible only at both ends. SSL provides high security for your data from third party, that, the data transmitted over internet from web browser to web server or vice versa cannot be read without decrypting. Thus SSL protects your data and website from being robbed by someone else since they may not be able to read the encrypted data.   SSL certificates contain mainly domain name and company name. There will also there an expiration date for all SSL certificates. When server reaches a request from the client, the web server will check for the validity of the certificate. That means it checks whether the SSL certificate has been expired or not. If it is not expired then it will check for the SSL certificate issuing authority. If it is a trusted authority, then it will check whether the certificate is used by the actual registered site. If yes, it will accept the request and encrypts the two systems. If the site was not registered by the SSL , or it is not issued by s trusted authority, then the web browser will show a warning making the user know that the website is not secure.   Establishment of SSL connection:   Step 1: The user searches for the site using the url as :     Step 2: The server accepts the request and SSL handshake takes place. During this process the server will verify the SSL certificate validity.     Step 3: Then if it is a valid certificate, it server allows the encryption between both server side and client side.

How to do A/B testing in Instagram and social media

Instagram provides effort in testing the photos or videos which is shared in the public using A/B testing method. Facebook prints some glorious information for native mobile applications while testing using A/B testing tool. A/B testing technique is almost similar in Facebook and Instagram. The similarities within the structure and execution of A/B test is similar in the case for Facebook and Instagram. But LinkedIn is having a slight difference from Facebook and Instagram testing technique. LinkedIn prints some nice info by itself using XLNT, A/B testing strategy is used to develop their UI. When Instagram and Snap chat stories came out earlier this week I was ready to hate it. Being the direct copy of Instagram Stories, I thought it would be DOA. But after having a wild research on this, I came to understand that Instagram executes perfectly on the product and it could have some serious legs. That doesn’t necessarily mean Snapchat is in trouble or not good. But I’d like to think competition breeds greatness and Snapchat now has more of a reason to try harder. Not a bad thing. I‘ve seen a crowd of people talking on social media about which “Stories” their brand should use — and I’m here to tell you that there is really a simple hack method to run the same photo or video on Snapchat Stories and Instagram Stories. A test can be done by creating your own A/B test Instagram to see which one gets more viewership.   Principles of ad optimization in Instagram and Facebook using A/B testing:
    • A/B testing works with entire audience. Here segmentation is possible.
    • It measures the campaign element. A/B testing compares the CTR of audiences of a platform and display alternative creations to the same audience
    • Test everything: different demographic targeting, buying type, placements, and bids
    • Uses multiple versions of ad sets: different sets of creations per mobile, desktops and alternative CTAs
    • Use your CRM data for optimization: re-target users and advertise for lookalike audiences
  • Optimize ads and ad sets: increases and relocate budget depending on performance
    Steps for performing A/B testing: Step 1: Snap chat is the best way to capture video or photo. For this, first of all, you need to add it into your Snap chat story. There is no problem if you have not added it yet. You can also do this by uploading the image or video with an annoying white background.   Step 2: Even though it is a photo or a video, make sure that it is saved in Snap chat first. Then you can export it to your personnel phone.   Step 3: First thing you have to do is, open the Instagram. Then click + button to add your story. Swipe down and you will be able to post photos and videos natively. The same photos or videos which was uploaded in Snap chat stories have to be uploaded in voila also. Now you can compare and check the performance of both platforms.

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Article Submission In Seo

Advantages of Article Posting

  Article posting refers to writing of articles that are relevant for your business and then getting them added to the popular article posting directories. The main purpose behind article posting is attracting a large number of visitors to your website without incurring must cost.It is very important to make sure that the articles you submit is relevant to your business.There are various advantages of article posting including advertising, marketing and publicity of your business on the internet. Some of the advantages of article posting is as follows:  
  • Increases traffic to your site: Article posting is one of the top SEO tools helpful in building traffic to your business site. When you write an article about your business and submit it to an article directory, then you are sure to attract traffic to your site over time. By submitting quality articles on a regular basis, you can increase traffic to your site, and keep it coming.
  • Provides exposure to your business over the Internet: No business can flourish without finding potential customers, and it needs exposure among the masses to get noticed. Articles on article directories will surely allow you to gain a lot of exposure among your targeted audience. You can submit your articles to several article directories, blogs, forums, social networking sites and other mediums, all of which will help in gaining a lot of exposure for your business.
  • Serves as a form of viral marketing: If your article is an informative, good quality one, your readers are likely to share it with other people. Some site owners may also like your article and use it on their own website. Thus, SEO activity serve as a form of viral marketing, thus increasing your accessibility and exposure.
  • Increases your profits: Every business owner wants to make money, and this can be quickly done by increasing traffic to your site. With top SEO activities like article submissions, this goal can be easily and quickly achieved. With increasing traffic to your site, your profits are sure to increase significantly.
  • Builds back links to your website: Backlinks are important to get free traffic to your site from search engines. More articles submitted means more backlinks built to your site. Search engine spiders will eventually notice these, and start placing your website on top of their SERPs.

Disadvantages Article Submission

The only drawback of article posting is that you need to find a writer who can create excellent quality write ups for you. Low quality articles, with lots of mistakes, will only create a negative impression about your company. By reading your articles with errors, your readers will only get an impression that you are ignorant about your business, and you have no knowledge of what you are doing. If there are factual errors in the articles, your customers will think that you have wrong knowledge about the product or service you are offering, and they will seldom come to you for purchase. So, by submitting high quality articles over the Internet, you can become a smart business owner, and increase your profits manifolds.

Optimize Your Website Source Code For Seo

When your are going design a website and its source code For Seo, it should be made SEO friendly website to make it rank high in search engine results. Here are some ways to make your website source code For Seo noticeable and welcoming.

Title Tag

The title tag For Seo constitutes the most important element of a web page. You can access title tag For Seo of a webpage in the source code if you do a ‘Control + U’ on a page or by clicking the mouse and view page source. The website pages are bounded by title tags. Google decides what is going to be in search engine results according to the title tag content in you website. Therefore make sure you only have one unique title tag per website pages. Google check the content of your title tag into the search engine. Therefore it is really important to develop the perfect title tag so people will click on the link and content gets readable. Avoid cloaking  and sutfing the keyword in the title tag with keywords; incorporate the keywords that come naturally. You can also describe what the page is about but write it like an advertisement in a brochure, brief and crisp.

Meta Description

The next element to address in the web source code For Seo development is Meta Description. You will only use one Meta Description and it is the source code that comes in the head of a web page. As the name suggests this contains the description of the page with im 160 characters. You can include the details you missed out in title tag here and can elaborate on what the web page is about. Many developers are try to skip this step and they resort to replicating the home page Meta description content on every page. Though by duplication the search rankings are not getting affected the website you will be missing your chance at taking advantage of free advertising and high rank in google.

H1 Heading Tag

Heading tag For Seo is the main heading that comes on every web page and another piece of essential source code that you require dor For Seo. Heading’s role is to invite people to the content and to convince them to stay till the last full stop of it. A heading tag For Seo should intrigue people and make them devouring for more information about the pages. Some people just use the title tag and some just summarize the content in a sentence. Think out of the box and craft something that makes more sense, something which is more engaging, and more specific for that page is about.

Image Alt Tags

Use of imagery in a webpage makes it more content rich for seo, after all a picture is worth a thousand words. Images also have a great role in attracting the web browsers to your web page content and it strengthens the message . The alt & title attributes of any image are normally mentioned as alt tag or alt text which should add our keyword in alt. The alt name on the images explains the content of the image and the relevance and function of it in the webpage . Alt tags names are highly employed in webpages and they are extremely important, especially in E-commerce For Seo websites. If you search for a product and you get an image that is used as a button to buy that product and an alt text saying ‘click here to buy the product. You will be directed to the website selling that product when you click it. As the importance Optimize Your Website Source Code For SEO friendly website source content is established, the leading web site designing company in  is offering you excellent web development services.

Get all cookies with Javascript

Its very common that we all still use HTTP or HTTPS cookies for storing various data on visitor’s browser. But in HTML5 , you can use local storing various data . I’m talking about the old school for getting all the cookies using the Javascript . Here as we still have old browsers to take care of the cookies. The jQuery Cookie plugin ( is useful for getting the value of cookies when you already know the name of the cookies you want to query from the browser, but provides no way to get a list of all the cookies that are set already. The following Javascript function loads them all into an associative array with the cookie name as the index and the cookie value as the value: function get_cookies_array() { var cookies = { }; if (document.cookie && document.cookie != ”) { var split = document.cookie.split(‘;’); for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { var name_value = split[i].split(“=”); name_value[0] = name_value[0].replace(/^ /, ”); cookies[decodeURIComponent(name_value[0])] = decodeURIComponent(name_value[1]); } } return cookies; } var cookies = get_cookies_array(); for(var name in cookies) { console.log( name + ” : ” + cookies[name] + “ ” ); } You could then get the cookies and write them out into the document like so: var cookies = get_cookies_array(); for(var name in cookies) { document.write( name + ” : ” + cookies[name] + “<br />” ); } You can access cookie information in javascript using document.cookie function, but you will only be able to read the cookies that are on the same domain that the script is being run.  

How To Choose A Web Design Company

The website is the main driving factor behind whether or not people choose to do business with you. Your website is the online face of your business.It is the first point of contact for many of your business partners. Therefore it is very essential to choose the web designing company for making your website any ideal one with mobile responsive.   Here are seven things that you have to keep in mind while selecting a web designing company for your websites:    
  1. Take a look at the designer’s portfolio.

Like many of the artists, web designers have their own design styles. This means you found out a designer who can  create your website with the exact look that you want for advertising your company. If you have found out a web designing company, make sure that you browse through all the samples of websites on their portfolio.  
  1. Communicate with the web-designer

  You are the only person who know what you are selling. No one knows your business better than you. So share with the web designer at least the basic idea about your business. You may have some idea of how you need to present it to your customers. It’s important for your web designer to listen to you. The true sign of a good designer is that they will talk about your company, your services and products to gain a real insight on what angles to take when designing your website. Choose your web designing company who respects your ideas, observing them, and making successful websites by full-filling most of your needs along with bringing their own exciting ideas in front of you.  
  1. Design your website with CMS in mind

  It is very difficult to update daily changes for your website if it is designed in pure html way. Always remember that your website must be designed in the latest or most appropriate Content Management System (CMS). Some of them are WordPress, Drupal, Magento etc. Remember to choose your web designing company who does CMS for the websites.  
  1. Choose a web-designer who knows responsive design:

  While there are some cases where a separate mobile site might have some advantages, responsive design is generally the preferred solution. As mobile and tablet usage grow continuously, you need make sure your business is optimized for every device. Ask your designer that you need to have your website mobile responsive. It they agrees so, the wright designer is in front of you.  

5.Select the web designing company who have experience in more than one industry:

  A web design company who works with a wide variety of industries is most better ones to create a unique ideal website who can reach your websites to most people around the world. It is very important to make your website stand above the competition, not be identical.  
  1. Good to choose a web designing company who have worked at both the local and national levels:

  May be your business is local area oriented or abroad. It is necessary to choose your web designing company who works with both type of businesses. If your designer has worked only with local businesses,then there is no guarantee to fulfill your business goals successfully. The more audiences your designer knows, better will be your website and it will definitely help you to reach your business goals. You need a designer who can think both big and small.  
  1. Check whether they keep up modern design trends:

The last thing you want from a new website is a design that looks unique and should be the most better one. A web designer needs to keep up with the latest technology and modern design trends. Customers are much more likely to trust a business if their website looks modern. A web designer needs to be familiar updated design trends and responsive version. It doesn’t mean that the website which contains new design trends completely is the better one. It means there needs to be a balance between both. A website has to do more than just look fresh.  

Ecommerce Sites Things You Should Know

Ecommerce sites are the new trend these days. Before you talk to a Web Development agency or start investing a huge amount onto this new online business idea, there are things you must consider.

First Thing You Should consider is the Budget.

Based on the budget, we can opt for custom made ecommerce solutions or ready made ecommerce platforms.There are a number of ecommerce platforms/engines available like Woocommerce, Opencart etc which can be used if you have a limited budget. But these Platforms are not a scalable if you have a longterm plan. But they would be the best way to give life to your idea in an affordable rate. Maybe you can give it a try and then if things go well then you can switch to a custom solution.

Second important thing to consider is the volume of Products

If you plan to open a online shop with 50 products, then the best way to get it done would be Woocommerce or Opencart. But if you plan to start with 1000s of products then you should go for a custom made ecommerce application itself. I dont have anything against readymade ecommerce solutions, but most of these free open source applications carry a lot of weight and are not optimized, it can affect the performance of the site especially when you have a lot of products. But this is not the case if its 50-100 product website. Custom ecommerce solutions will obviously cost more than readymade platforms like Woocommerce, Opencart or Magento.


So the conclusion is that you should choose a solution based on your budget and the volume of the products you intend to sell. so the next questions is, what will I do if I have 1000s of products to sell and my budget is low? I would say please try to increase your budget :).