
Most Popular Web Design Trends 2019

The new year started. Are you a web designer and are you using old web design technology till now?? Don’t you know about new trends and techniques in web design?? Don’t worry. Now its time to change. Web designs and its trends change frequently. Web designers must be updated frequently with new changes and trends in web design technology. Technological advancements have led to websites becoming more smarter. Here are the dominating web designing trends 2019, but this is by no means the last word on creative innovation. Because if there’s one thing we can say for certain about 2019, it is the last call for web designers to make their mark on this new year. Web design company trivandrum Viewing these infographics, few things are clear, users are preferring speedy mobile-friendly website. Whatever your preference, one thing is certain, staying on top of the latest norms in website designing will help you keep your business website active and attractive while keeping your business productive and progressive. Take some time to evaluate these trends as they relate to you and determine what you can achieve based on the knowledge you’ve gained. Get started now, lots of changes happening . Check out our web design services or contact our web design team today for an attractive website.

Secure and protect your website from hackers.

Do you ever think about the security of your website?? Is it secure now?? If someone hacks your website what will you do?? Many of the website owners don’t know their website is secure, or even understand the importance of securing their website. The number of Hackers is increasing in day by day. They can easily hack your website. You might now be wondering what this has to do with your innocuous little blog or website. Hackers may want to destroy all your records in the site, put a sick message on your client screens or just destroy your reputation. There are things that you can do to secure your website!!! Update All Softwares if you want to secure your website then update your site as soon as a new plugin or content management system with the latest patches and definitions. Make sure that you run these updates and have the new version supporting your website. Use Strong Password Use strong passwords to your server and website admin area. Make sure your password is a combination of alphanumeric characters, symbols, upper and lower case characters and is at least 12 characters. Do not use the same password for all your different website logins. Change your passwords regularly to keep them more secure. Always Backup Your Website Regularly backup your website and keep it in a secure place. If you don’t back up your website, all of your content could be lost as a result of one successful attack. Use a Secure Host Make sure you use a reputable hosting service. Most of the hosting provider frees you from much of the website security risk burden, as they would take care of the website security for the web server. Ensure Https Security Must use Https for your entire website. Https is a protocol used to provide security over the Internet. Https appears in the URL when a website is secured by an SSL certificate. While these tips alone will not guarantee that your website is never hacked. Hopefully, these tips will help keep your website and information safe.

SEO Friendly Website Design Guidelines

Website design and Search Engine Optimization are connected together in today’s web-smart world. Web designers need to learn, that with the right kind of SEO they can do wonders for their website. Websites designed without SEO in mind can affect site ranking. If a website is not search engine friendly then it causes SERP ranking issues. If you consider some basic SEO principles and good content development practices then you can avoid this issues.

Here are some of the best SEO techniques that can lead you to a more search engine friendly web design.

1. Smart and Responsive Design 2. Design Your URLs for Search Friendliness 3. Optimized Images 4. Don’t Neglect Image Alt Attributes 5. Quick Navigation menu 6. Website Speed Matters 7. Update Fresh and Unique Content 8. Use Heading Tags Properly 9.Creating Sitemaps 10.Limited Use of Flash 11.Be Careful With JavaScripts Web Designing Companies In Trivandrum Let’s discuss each of the above points;

Smart and Responsive Design:- Designing a website for multiple devices is called responsive web design. Responsive web design is one of the factors that Google recommended. SEO friendly website should be attractive, user-friendly and responsive. This type of design performs optimally on multiple devices like desktop, laptop, notepad and mobile. If your website looks eye-catching and responsive well with multiple devices, it is an absolute winner.SEO friendly responsive website has a single URL for both mobile and desktop. This way you can earn more backlinks. In this smartphone era, it is really useless to design a website that not responsive.

Design Your URLs for Search Friendliness:- SEO friendly website needs a clear and logical URL. You should use keywords relevant to your business in URL.URL gives the idea about your website. Avoid long URL’s and if your URL is ambiguous like, Google will not rate it as valuable. Also, the client does not prefer a link like this. If someone is looking for a web design company in Trivandrum, he or she would definitely prefer to click:

Optimized Images:- Image optimization means, reduce the size of the image as much as possible without sacrificing its quality. As the resulting image load faster and improves the site loading speed. If you are using the large image it takes more space in a web host and also make your site load slower. Image optimization is one of the main pillars of on-page SEO. To get a better rank in SERP, image optimization needs.

Don’t Neglect Image Alt Attributes:- Images can play a crucial part in how the client interprets a particular web page but search engine and other robots can’t interpret images. Alt tags solve this issue, providing text which is read by the search engines. All images need descriptive alt tags search engines will read alt attributes and may take them into consideration when determining the relevancy of the page to the keywords a searcher queries. Outside of the SEO view, image alt attributes help users who cannot see images.

Quick Navigation menu:- When it comes to websites, the navigation menu acts as a road map to all the different areas contained within the website. If the navigation menu is clear and helpful, the client will stay and have a good experience, which ultimately leads to more business for you. Make sure that the navigation menu of your website is not difficult for users. Quick and easy navigation menu for both users and search engines is essential. Navigation menu must helpful and functional. If your users can’t figure out your navigation method, they will close your page and move on to another website.

Website Speed Matters:- No one has time to wait for long for a webpage to open when they have the option to move to a competitor website. How fast your website open plays a crucial role not only in ranking but also improves the user experience. So make sure that your page loads fastly. If your website takes more than 4 seconds to load, 25% of your visitor will abandon your website. It means the speed of internet has made the users tolerate the long load time of websites. However, a good website is expected to load within 2 seconds. Factors which affect Your Website Load Time,

*Minimize HTTP Requests *Reduce server response time *Enable File, Page compression *Enable browser caching *Minify Resources *Optimize images *Optimize CSS Delivery *Prioritize above-the-fold content *Reduce the number of plugins you use on your site *Reduce redirects

Update Fresh and Unique Content:- Content is the life force of a website, and it is what the search engines feed on. When designing a website, makes sure you take into account good structure for content Use plain language, explain your acronyms/abbreviations and be as concise as possible. Clearly explain how things work and give people enough information to make good decisions. Be friendly, conversational and respectful, as if you were talking to a neighbour. Don’t forget to include your keywords in content. Choose the focus keyword of the piece, and make sure it appears 3–4 times within the article body. Keep in mind that the appearance of the keyword shouldn’t look forced, confuse the reader in any way. Also, the essence of the body shouldn’t change after this step. If you have a blog update it regularly then comes greater crawling frequency by search engines as well.

Use Heading Tags Properly:- H1 Tag or Header Tag have a great role in SEO. A good H1 tag is a good heading for the page. If a good heading encourages users to read further and stay on the page, this will benefit your SEO more than anything else. It is the place where we implement keyword. There must be only one h1 tag in one page.h1 tag should contain a primary keyword. Along with H1 Meta Tags are also important (Title and description), because they also affect SEO.H1 tags and Meta Tags are very useful for on-page optimization.

Creating Sitemaps:- Sitemaps are called the map. Because they form a map of your website which helps to communicate with search engine better.SEO expert uses XML Sitemaps for better communication between website and search engine. While XHTML uses codes that allow your website element communicate to human visitors website.XML sitemap is the channel to search engine to understand all about your website. The sitemap uses an XML file to provide the list of URLs with metadata. So that Search engine bots easily crawl your website for new changes and updates. A sitemap is relevant for SEO performance and boosts Search engine ranking. Sitemap help to search engine to discover new pages on websites so that make page rank higher on search results. Don’t forget to create a sitemap in your webpage.

Limited Use of Flash:- Most of the search engines and devices do not respond to flash in a friendly manner. If you can, completely avoid the use of flash on an entire website. Do not apply flash to your text and navigation menu.

Be Careful With JavaScripts:- With the help of JavaScripts, you can make an awesome website. But the problem lies with search engine crawlers, that may not recognize it and may not index it. So you make sure that you do not use JavaScripts for your entire website design. Another disadvantage is that JavaScripts do not work smoothly on mobile devices. You need to make sure the website is simple and easy to read for both users and search engines.

Currently, web designers have access to a lot of technology and choices. When you design a website, give priority to customers because this helps to determine SEO ranking. Search Engines are getting smarter and you don’t have to think of them. You just design what will be good for users, and you do that honestly. If your content is good, in no time you will see the progress. Give us a call today and be connected with our Web Design company Trivandrum. To know more important aspects of technical Seo including duplicate content, meta descriptions, HTML ratio and many more please visit this link:


Artificial Intelligence And The Future Of Mankind

We, as humans have always been the most intriguing species on the planet ever since our civilized life began approximately 10,000 years ago. We have come a long way from the belief in divine forces to finally discovering the laws of nature and working of the universe through the medium of science and technology. The understanding of the Earth, the Sun, the Moon and other planets led to the debunking of previously held religious beliefs paving the way for the advancement of Science as we know today. Instead of getting overawed by the mythical stories of flying gods or relying on psychics, mystics and shamanic rituals for body treatments or solutions to life problems, man learned to use scientific laws and technological and medicinal methods to ensure his survival and improve his lifestyle. In the past few centuries, with this education and learning, man has evolved into significant proportions when compared to his total lifespan on the earth.

Upon analysis of the breakthroughs in recent centuries, it is undebatable that the single most underlying factor behind this transition period has been human intelligence. The brain functionality of an average urban of today differs remarkably from most of his predecessors down the evolution line. The human being of today, especially in the developed world and many progressive countries, has become more analytical with better abilities of problem-solving skills. This is evident from the growth of mathematics and computation fields further enhanced by one of the greatest discoveries of mankind towards the end of the 20th century- ‘The computers’. From being a tool to assist and speed up calculations to a complete life transforming device- the computers have been constantly upgraded to suit all our needs.

On the other hand, the rise of the Internet which has been hailed as another great discovery in the field of electronics and communication industry has revolutionized the way we communicate with each other. The parameters of business between different corners of the world have seen a dramatic change with the rise of internet-supported platforms known as E-commerce. Humans across the world have become more interactive and the world has shrunk to extraordinary levels. The supply chain management has become more efficient and time-driven. The future success of any business depends on how well they adapt to changing business trends where the emphasis is on decreasing human intervention and dependence on manual labour. Major tech companies have contributed their success to decreasing margins of human errors in various processes and shortening product manufacturing and delivery timelines. The use of drones simulating a delivery boy has been successfully run by E-commerce giants like Amazon and Alibaba. Japan has been gearing up for its hosting of 2020 Olympics and its preparations are in full swing for establishing its image as a global tech leader. Driverless cabs accessed by smartphones to ferry visitors have already been launched along with the language translator and guest assistant Robots which have been installed at Airports and all sports venues. The trade and service industry is all set for a major overhaul with the advent of AI technologies. The concept of AI focuses on limiting or completely nulling the human errors and increasing the speed of processing simultaneously.

But the question arises on how far have we reached in the field of Artificial Intelligence technology? Would we ever be able to enhance the incredible abilities of a human brain by creating an artificial one? To what extent can we mimic or simulate the natural abilities of the human brain? So far we have intelligent modules which are thousands of times faster and error-free than the human brain but they are limited to certain specific functions and speeds only and are largely dependent on human programming. The competition between brain and machine has been trending for the last few decades. The famous battle between Chess legend Gary Kasparov and supercomputer Deep Blue stole headlines in 1997 when the grandmaster managed to secure a tight draw against the highly capable, errorless and faster machine. Today the focus is entirely on creating a machine which has an independent brain of its own and once installed doesn’t need to be programmed again. In short, a machine which can create thoughts and take decisions without any human assistance. A recent breakthrough was achieved when the brain of a worm was fed into a simulator. It was interesting to note that the simulator worked and copied the moments exactly like the organic worm. It is further interesting to note that the brain of the worm has just 300 neurons when compared to a human brain which has a whopping 86 million neurons where a single neuron can interact with 8000 other neurons at a single point of time through synaptic connectors. As per the experts, the work of achieving 100% AI will need a lot of technology enhancements which although doesn’t look achievable in the near future but is not practically impossible. The present-day motherboards and systems will considerably heat up while processing data similar to a human brain and would require thousands of Terabytes of uninterrupted data for the model to succeed.

But what if a perfect AI model is achieved? What will be the repercussions on the society and the world? How dangerous will it be when we create an independent thinking mind with a perfection scale of 100%? What about human emotions and ethics? A demonstration to these scary doubts and prophecies could be seen in the Hollywood movie Transcendence which highlighted the dangers AI could pose on mankind. Yet whatever said and done, one thing is for sure that mankind is about to witness another evolutionary change in its living and lifestyle in the years to come.


Impact of Social Media on Business Growth

With the advent of the 21st century, mankind has witnessed a revolutionary change in its lifestyle. The major player in this evolutionary phenomenon has been the advance of science and technology, the most notable among it is the IT sector. From trunk calls, telegram to video calls and WhatsApp, technology has shrunk the world like never before.

Communication has always been an inseparable part of business growth and with the change in our social interaction methods, there has been a subsequent effect on our business relationships and strategies. History reminds us of the hardships faced by ancient traders who would take not days but several months to transport and trade goods to different parts of the world. The remarkable discovery of electronics and computers and the internet proved to be a game changer in the field of trade and commerce. Business deals are now done between different corners of the world with a simple press of the enter key and various products are sorted and dispatched in no time by probes using Artificial Intelligence.

The age of Information Technology has not just revolutionized the way we do business but also has been instrumental in its growth. The rapidly growing telecommunications industry has given rise to a new form of media known as Social Media. The power and importance of this media can be gauged from the fact that it played a decisive role in the electoral campaign results of the world’s most powerful country and the largest democracy. Such has been its impact in recent years that almost all political parties of the world and every popular leader have formed their IT Cells and Twitter handles.

But why social media? The question arises in the mind of every traditional businessman who has been successful in growing his business since ages using the word of mouth marketing and good old print media marketing techniques. Well, their enterprises might not seem to be influenced or affected yet but in an interesting case, study one might find that social media platforms help in giving a wider and more comprehensive direct marketing approach towards the consumers especially in the youth segment. The tech-savvy and trendy youth of the country are fast adopting the smartphone culture not just in the urban but also in semi-urban and rural areas too.

According to estimates, India became the fastest growing smartphone market of the world in 2017 with over 124 million smartphones sold in the year, an increase of 14% from the previous year. The popularity of smartphones especially the easy to use Android ones are defying generation gap too with the significant number of middle and old age active users of the devices. Additionally, a sort of Internet revolution was created when Reliance Industries launched their Jio venture in the year 2016 which provided a high-speed 4G network with their literally ‘free packages’. The market-dominating initiative by Reliance-led other telecom companies to follow suit and lower their 4G tariffs making the internet a household commodity ever since. People became addicted to social media and various mobile applications as the major smartphone making companies like Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi, Oppo & Vivo started offering their phones with many social media applications pre-loaded in them. The 4G era in India has also boosted many tech startups with some apps gaining a cult-like popularity. From Ola, Uber in transport segment to Zomato, Swiggy in food to Oyo, Goibibo in Hospitality to Amazon, Flipkart in e-commerce to PayTM, Mobikwik in digital banking have ensured success and growth for businesses in online and digital retailing.

Social Media Marketing Company Trivandrum


In a recent interview, Mr Mukesh Ambani- the Chairman of Reliance Industries quoted “Data is the new Oil”. The e-commerce retailers have exploited the database of their followers and members Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many other social media platforms. Their behaviours, likes, activities are analyzed before ads are targeted and curated the influence their purchase impulse. Nearly all social media apps provide consumer target features where the businesses could find out and reach their target audiences and create their consumer database. Their algorithms are becoming heavily business-oriented helping them achieve desired results using various social media tools and campaigns. From politics to education to institutional to e-commerce and you name it, social media has influenced and impacted every sector and continues to do so as we are becoming increasingly dependent on smartphones in our daily lives.

The future with internet connectivity and speeds improving every day and the unstoppable smartphone innovations becoming an integral part in our lifestyle, the social media channels are going to shape and determine the way businesses will be run in the near future. The internet world will shrink further and with the use of AI technology like the ones used by largest online B2B aggregator Alibaba in their warehouses, firms will be able to shorten the gap between order-production-delivery making the supply chain more efficient and effective. The world’s largest e-commerce company Amazon is already selling Alexa- an interactive voice AI product which can process many of consumers orders on its own by synthesizing their voice commands. Social media apps will soon engulf most of the world’s population and their data will be used by all enterprises. Every human will be connected to each other digitally and time taken for communicating all business processes will be dramatically shortened. The digital race has just begun and only the business which evolves and adapts to the digital and e-commerce network stands a better chance of growth and survival.

Give us a call today and be connected with our Web Design company Trivandrum. We Build Your brand awareness through our social media marketing.


A Visual Summary about Digital Marketing: Benefits and importance.

Wikipedia says that “Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium”.

In simply digital marketing is any form of marketing services through electronic device or internet. In early days people spend most of the time on television, radio, newspaper so they are the main marketing media. Now its changed, People are busy with Smartphones. That means people are spending time on the internet. So the marketing techniques are changed. It is the time of digital marketing. Digital marketing is the kind of marketing technique like a promotion of products or brands that exist on the internet.

The different areas of digital marketing are 1.Search Engine Optimization 2.Content Marketing 3.Social Media Marketing 4.Pay Per Click 5.Affiliate Marketing 6.Native Advertising 7.Marketing Automation 8.Email Marketing 9.Online PR 10.Inbound Marketing Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is an art of making a website to achieve a higher position in a search engine when searchers type in their queries. SEO is all about optimizing a website for search engine. It is a designing and developing a website to rank well in search engine.SEO can help you improve your rankings in search engine results and increase traffic to your website. The channels that benefit from SEO is a website, blog, and infographics.

Content Marketing

It is a strategic marketing approach that creates and promote contents and generating a brand awareness, traffic growth, lead generation, and customers. Through high quality and relevant contents, we can create a strong relationship with our clients. The channels that can play a part in your content marketing strategy include Blog posts, Ebooks, whitepapers and Infographics. Main benefits of content marketing are Increased sales, Cost savings, Better customers who have more loyalty. In digital marketing, content is the present and future.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing promotes your brand and your content on social media channels to increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and generate leads for your business. Social media marketing becoming popular nowadays. The channels that can be used for social media marketing are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, Google+ etc. Through SMM we can improve communication with users, increase brand visibility and reach more customers. In social media business owners can directly interact with their customers, the customers get the chance to be heard, either by asking questions or by making complaints. Social media marketing can help with a number of goals, such as Increasing website traffic, Building conversions, Raising brand awareness, Creating a brand identity and positive brand association, Improving communication and interaction with key audiences.


PPC or Pay Per Click is a method of driving traffic to your website by paying a publisher every time your ad is clicked. Google AdWords is one of the most common types of PPC, which allows you to pay for top slots on Google’s search engine results from pages at a price “per click” of the links you place. It is the way of buying visitors to your website rather than attempting to earn those visitors organically. Other channels that offer PPC are paid ads on Facebook, promoted tweets on Twitter, sponsored messages on LinkedIn.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is an online sales tactic where you receive a commission for promoting someone else’s products or services on your website. Affiliate marketing channels include hosting video ads through the YouTube Partner Program, posting affiliate links from your social media accounts.

Native Advertising

Native advertising refers to advertisements that are primarily content-led and featured on a platform alongside other, non-paid content. BuzzFeed-sponsored posts are a good example, but many people also consider social media advertising to be “native” — Facebook advertising and Instagram advertising, for example.

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation refers to the software that serves to automate your basic marketing operations. Many marketing departments can automate repetitive tasks they would otherwise do manually, such as email newsletters, social media post scheduling, contact list updating,lead-nurturing workflows, campaign tracking, and reporting.

Email Marketing

Companies use email marketing as a way of communicating with their audiences. Email is often used to promote content, discounts, and events, as well as to direct people toward the business’s website. The types of emails you might send in an email marketing campaign include blog subscription newsletters, follow-up emails to website visitors who downloaded something, customer welcome emails, holiday promotions to loyalty program members, tips or similar series emails for customer nurturing.

Online PR

Online PR is the practice of securing earned online coverage with digital publications, blogs, and other content-based websites. It’s much like traditional PR but in the online space. The channels you can use to maximize your PR efforts include reporter outreach via social media, engaging online reviews of your company, engaging comments on your personal website or blog.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing refers to the “full-funnel” approach to attracting, engaging, and delighting customers using online content. You can use every digital marketing tactic listed above throughout an inbound marketing strategy.

Give us a call today and be connected with our Digital Marketing Company In Trivandrum

Better SEO Keywords advance Better Outcome

SEO keywords are the key words and phrases in your web content that make it possible for people to find your site through search engines. You need to be conscious about how people are looking for the products, services or information that you offer, in order to make it easy for them to find you, they’ll land on one of the many other pages in the Google results. Implementing quality keyword SEO will help your website rank above your competitors. Keywords are one of the main factors of SEO. Because of this, creating a list of keywords is one of the first and most important steps in any search engine optimisation initiative. Google then uses that data to find the relevancy of the content to a specific search query, and the way the page ought to rank in searches for a specific term. That’s what offers a web page in search ranking. Both Keywords and SEO are directly connected when it comes to running a winning search marketing campaign. Because keywords are the foundation for all your other SEO efforts, it is well worth the time and investment to ensure your SEO keywords are highly relevant to your audience and effectively organised for action.

Let’s have a look how Google works
  • Google’s spider crawls the entire web by visiting the web pages.
  • Then, they added the optimised web-pages to their index and catalogue them.
  • Google shows the best results based on the search terms, when people starts search.
Choose Best Keywords for SEO

Some of the mistakes make by the search marketers, when it comes to search keywords for SEO are they do keyword research only once, also they are not bothering to update or expand their SEO keyword list further and choosing popular keywords having competition rate high. Primarily, if you work as a marketer, you have to treat the keyword research as an ongoing and ever-evolving part of your job. The old keywords that are competitive can often be replaced with less competitive or more specific phrases which would bring the right user rather than any user.

Make sure that you are finding your own keywords as experimental basis and not using the keyword research tool always. Good content on your page that truly answers the questions customers are asking with their keyword searches will give you great SEO result.

Use of keywords will help Google to allocate the right search ranking. Let’s see how to select keywords for your content.

Initially, you have to brainstorm the terms that you think your customers might be searching for and then just search the term in Google and analyse what else people are searching for the term. At last discover the terms that people are already using to search your site by using Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Keyword research is very important to improve SEO for existing content in your website.

Key places to use keywords for SEO

After finding the best keywords, you have to work on it to get good SEO results. Consider the following places to use your keywords for SEO;

1. Page Titles 2. Meta Descriptions 3. Subheadings 4. Content 5. Images 6. URLs 7. Link Anchor Text 8. Social Media Let’s discuss each of the above points; 1. Page Titles

Page title optimisation is a part of technical SEO. Usually a page title describes the main subject of your page and it will show up as the first line of the search results to let Google and searchers know what the page is exactly about. The best method to improve the search ranking potential when writing page titles is to include your target keywords or keyword phrases at the start of the page title. The relevance of your keyword will increase by doing that.

2. Meta Descriptions

Using keywords in the meta-descriptions is another important thing in SEO. This refers to the second part of the search entry. Meta description can help Google to decide how your content is relevant for what the users are searching for. It also helps the users while reading the meta-descriptions to decide whether to go to the website to see the full content or not.

3. Subheadings

Subheadings will help to make your content scannable, giving readers eyes to pause somewhere. It also helps users to decide how relevant your content to their need is. This may be appeared as a part of the featured snippet or answer box. It will be effective if you use keywords in at least a couple of Subheadings.

4. Content

Content is one of the top SEO ranking factors, so that it is considering as one of the most important places to include your SEO keywords. Bad keywords will affect your search rankings and it would be better avoiding keyword stuffing. Google will penalise if you caught stuffed keywords in every sentences. User won’t like keyword stuffed contents. So, you should use your keywords effectively in your content.

For that, use your keyword in the first few sentences of your content or at least in the first paragraph. Then use the keyword and its variations throughout the content. Also, you have to make sure that the content is readable and understandable.

5. Images

We can’t ignore images when thinking about how to use the keywords in a website. Images help people to find your content. It also helps you to manage content accessibility.Let’s look how or where should use keywords for SEO in Images.The image you use should be relevant to the content is the first and foremost thing to be checked. Then give them a filename that shows its relevance. Use the SEO keywords of your webpage to create the title of the images. Finally, use SEO keywords in alt text also. It would be better using alt text in images which is descriptive rather than just using the keyword only.

6. URLs

You will get visitors automatically, if your URL is best. No need to stuff strings of numbers or weird characters in your URL. It may reduce the number of visitors to your site. Better to include a clue in your URL about what the page is about for your visitors and Google.Try to keep the URL short and avoid keyword stuffing.

7. Link Anchor Text

Links are one of the main three SEO ranking factors. Link anchor text is the clickable text which is highlighted as a link. If you use the same anchor text for every inbound link you create, that will be an SEO ranking red flag for Google and you would be penalised for that. To vary inbound anchor text use LSI keywords instead of using same anchor text.

8. Social Media

Even if Social media is not a direct search ranking factor, there is a strong link between social shares and visibility in SERPs. So, it is very important to optimise keyword usage in social media updates for better SEO and they are immediately visible to the active users.Keywords are useful as hash tags for updates in the social media. This is true on Twitter where hashtags are using perfectly. The right hashtags will help the user to find right content on the sites. Other social media sites are also using hashtags but they give attention to how you are using the keywords and hashtags, because it varies from site to site.

Now you know how to use keywords for SEO. The important thing to keep in mind is that keyword relevance is much important than keyword density in Search Engine Optimisation.


How To Choose The Right Web Design Company Trivandrum

Bytelabz provides you with complete support in web designing solutions in trivandrum. Even though you need a web designing in Trivandrum solution or you need a complete customized project, we are ready to tackle your needs. With the most professional and advanced resources, we provide the most satisfactory outputs for your online business organization. We make sure that you own a website exactly the same you were looking for. Bytelabz is a renowned web design Trivandrum , engaged in catering incredible web designing services.


When it starts designing it is necessary to keep in mind about the website requirement. The most suitable and best quality designing techniques always help in content and web page sequencing. A website looks massive and complex when we use heavy animations and images. It is always good to have a simple and flexible good looking websites so that visitors may feel free to make dealings and view your website. If we use more complex animations and large heavy images to your website, it takes more loading time and your visitors may feel like fed up with this. It has been proven that people are most attracted to simple websites as compared to heavy animated websites having more loading time.


Features of web desig trivandrum

  1.High quality web content:  

The basic reason for browsing internet  is to search for information. People always require information every time and they prefer to obtain them in a fast and reliable fashion. If search engine optimization is the part of marketing strategy, whether to entertain or educate people with more information, superior quality content is an inevitable thing. For business websites, the content plays an important role in marketing and it should certainly contain relevant information for promoting your brand. It is a good practice to use the most relevant content for most search engine optimization techniques.

  2.Loading Speed of Websites:

A website looks massive and complex when we use heavy animations and images. It is always good to have a simple and flexible good looking websites so that visitors may feel free to make dealings and view your website. If we use more complex animations and large heavy images to your website, it takes more loading time and your visitors may feel like fed up with this. It has been proven that people are most attracted to simple websites as compared to heavy animated websites having more loading time. Not only the above-said issues but also the factors that affect speed is website traffic, number of graphics used, server speed etc. Bytelabz make sure all factors which slow down the site speed by using reliable site hosting, proper website code and optimized graphics.

  3.Safe and Secure mechanism :

If you run an online business or online shopping website then it is advisable to have the latest protocols which integrate your website in payment gateway and all dealings which is highly confidential. Moreover, it is necessary to keep your website safe from viruses and hackers from robbing your data and money. An effective and efficient website is built by combining various web designing features.

  4.Easy and User friendly Navigation:

A premium quality web designing requires user friendly navigation schemes. It should allow visitors to quickly find the information needed. The important links where it links to a downloadable file or link to an external website everything must be highlighted so that visitor can easily recognize and understand the labels easily. Calls to action are also placed in spots within the navigation scheme. Also, it is a good scheme to add a search box within your site to make it faster to reach more specific pages within your website.

  5.Compatibility of the website:

A website is designed to compatible with all browsers widely used. It is very important to note that a website should be compatible with all browsers since everybody is not using the same browser for surfing nowadays. Even though simple graphics and animation make your website even better, it is necessary to check whether that graphical animation supports all the browsers. If not your animation effects supports only one of the browsers, then it is an error. It is a very big challenge to both the designers and developers to make compatible with all the browsers. Also, a website must be able to view easily in all screen resolutions, screen sizes, and browsers and since usage of mobile devices spread widely, the websites must function properly in these type of devices.

  6.Search Engine Optimization:

The good quality and well designed websites will have many visitors. One way to attract the visitors to your website is Search Engine Optimization. This is done by inserting valid search keywords in your website content. Bytelabz also creates a search engine optimization  , web design trivandrum , resources to help the client to improve their rankings in search engine.


The Difference Between Direct Traffic and Organic Search Traffic

When any person or the client reach up to you, you talked up the value of Google Analytics and the traffic on websites. You give special importance or value to where your website traffic was coming from. You went on and on about how Google Analytics can show traffic sources to pinpoint whether people came from search, social media or a specific site referral, and how valuable this data was.

One of the most common questions I faced from the clients’ side after seeing the monthly report for the first time is that “What is Direct Traffic and Organic Search Traffic ?”. It sometimes sounds like a very simple and we can give straightforward answers. But it is actually much more complicated than that.



The most common answer you heard from people is that direct traffic refers to any visitor that came directly to your website either by typing your domain address in the browser or coming from the bookmarks. The user doesn’t click any link or search the keyword for your site. But we cannot say the answer is complete what you asked about direct traffic. Yes, this straight to your site traffic will count as direct. in fact, we can say that its a small portion of traffic which we can say that direct traffic.


We can see the traffic source by selecting the Google Analytics settings. You can find your Direct Traffic by going to Acquisition > All Traffic > Channels. This will give you an idea of traffic source, behavior, and conversions from all available channels (organic, paid, referral, direct, social, email, etc.).



We can simply say that the direct traffic doesn’t have any referral sites or any other source of referral links which passed towards your website. That doesn’t mean the visitor didn’t click a link or come from another site. It simply means that the traffic didn’t get recorded in the google by organic traffic.

DIRECT TRAFFIC Why wouldn’t Analytics have this information? Doesn’t it record everything about direct traffic? Here are some examples its referrals as the direct traffic.  
  • HTTPS to HTTP: If someone comes to your website by just clicking a link from an HTTPS site, that referral will not pass to your non-HTTPS website.
  • Links included in email marketing and social medias campaigns that aren’t properly tagged
  • Session refreshes by a visitors
  • QR Codes
  • “Dark Social traffic ” links (such as links in chat or email marketing )
  • Search and social referrers traffic that fail to pass the proper referral string

Anytime your google Analytics program doesn’t understand the referral string—or if there isn’t one—then it will lump your traffic in with direct traffic. With mobile (search, device, apps).

Minimizing direct traffic

Here are the few steps you can take to minimize the level direct traffic towards your website:
  1. Migrate to HTTPS:
  2. Manage your use of redirects:
  3. Get really good at campaign tagging:
  4. Conduct an Analytics audit:

Is direct traffic good or bad for SEO?

Direct  websitetraffic is very much good for SEO ranking. Direct traffic comes through branding. Means you already brand your business to some people and they know your brand very well.

Branding a product or website always helps SEO, Direct traffic will be more helpful to SEO when it is navigated by local visitors of where your business is actually located.



So however are you able to verify that visits are literally direct traffic and that isn’t? Well, there is no foolproof way to get it on, however, you’ll gain some insight. One resolution is to appear at the landing pages for your direct traffic. If new guests are landing on pages apart from your home page, then it’s pretty unlikely they came there directly. however, usually, does one kind to urge to a page you’ve got never visited before? you’ve got most likely never done it. And neither has anyone else. thus, however, did they get there? this is often an issue you will never be able to discover, and therefore the quantity of labor it might desire gain even some insight might not be worthwhile.


Direct traffic source might be impossible to track down, but it’s still valuable in a google search. Spikes in your website direct traffic can indicate your search engine marketing efforts are working effectively towards the website. At the same time, few drops in direct traffic don’t necessarily mean your brand is fizzling out or somebody do not like your brand. It could just mean people are finding you using other means( like keyword search etc)—means your analytics program is capable of detecting the traffic. we need to remember that google analytics reports give us data about the traffic, not answers. Give us a call today and be connected with our  Web Design company Trivandrum.


Can Google Crawl Content in Accordions for seo ranking?

While we work for our clients or for our websites itself, we may have to create big, wonky contented pages. Actually this seems to be ugly for the user and the user may not try to read or go through the page if it seems to be wonky. So for this the designers introduce accordions, tabs and drop down boxes. Accordions, Tabs, and Dropdowns are the ones which designers prefer to make wonky texts looks good in the pages. Those texts will be arranged within accordions, tabs, and drop down boxes. During past years, the overloaded information inside a particular page is arranged inside an accordion, or tabs, or drop downs. The main goal of accordions, tabs, or drop downs creates better user experience through switching of contents according to the clicks, etc. But since hiding of content takes place here, there is a chance of damaging your search results. There are many ways to arrange the overloaded content in a good looking and clean way. But these contents will be considered as hidden in the search results by Google.Over the past few years, Google has not been giving full value to pages that uses tabbed content.

What Does Google Say About Accordions or Tabbed Content SEO?

In Feb 2015, the google has introduced a new updated based on these type of content Google publically stated they are ignoring hidden/accordion/tabbed content when determining search rankings. In Google’s eyes, “hidden” content was considered unimportant or secondary, and therefore, not worthy of indexing or attributing value . the google will consider these hidden content as the blackhat seo method so they will indirectly affect the seo ranking back ago.. The folks at Google stated pretty clearly that if you wanted content indexed, you better make sure it’s visible to users when the page loads.
“It seems Google has slightly altered their stance since last year’s statement, and will typically index accordion/tabbed content… but it will be treated differently and demoted in value.”

Can Google Crawl Content in Accordions for seo ranking?

Google considers these contents as invisible content. The algorithm considers the hiding content will be deceitful to the users.Later they loosened the reins, and even though, the Google gives less importance to the un-tabbed content, since those were hidden under tabs. Later, at last, google supported a better mobile friendly update that has been designed to value a better mobile user experience in a clean and easily understandable manner. Google now gives the same priority for the contents hidden behind tabs with contents which are un-tabbed.

What does this mean Hidden Content in Accordions for Seo Ranking?

It means tabbed content or Content in Accordions is now acceptable on mobile AND desktop. It also means tabbed content will not hurt your SEO ranking in the google search result; In fact, tabbed content will now be indexed equally and given fair SEO value in the search engines . This blog does not mean that only tabbed content is necessary for better SEO results. This is to make you understand that tabbed content will not affect SEO negatively.Give us a call today and be connected with our  Web Design  Trivandrum.